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The Pond

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Inova Home - Pond.JPG

In 2011 we had a natural pond dug out, which has since been naturally overgrown with various aquatic plants and attracts all kinds of birds and insects. This moist soil also forms the ideal growing place for willow trees

That is why you will find various willows here, most of which we planted ourselves. You can find 5 species here, such as the weeping willow, the curly willow, the silver willow, the pussy willow and the olive willow. Can you tell them apart?


The long sword-shaped leaves with the brown cigar-shaped spikes at the end of the stem are from the Bulrush.

The cigars are actually thousands of small flowers packed tightly together.

At the edge of the pond you can see the beautiful and bright purple flowers of the cattail in the summer. The flowers of the cattail play a crucial role in supporting pollinators during a period when food is scarce because they continue to bloom until late summer.

If you are lucky you can also find a water lily through the tall plants.

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