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"Hel Bemden"

Scherm­afbeelding 2024-08-17 om 20.27.00.png

The Inova garden used to be called “De Hel Bemden”.

The name refers to the meadows along the Helbeek.

12000 years ago, this was a humid valley 'de Helle'.

9000 years ago, the hazel forest grew in the valley where Hasselt originated and from which the city also gets its name: 'Hasaluth'.

A "Beemd" is meadow that is occasionally flooded. Our pasture is still very wet, mainly because of the dense clay layer in the soil, which allows little water to pass through.

In the meantime, we have enriched our pasture with an edible garden, a natural pond and a growing forest. And the area is now an attraction for all kinds of natural life.

De Hel Bemden
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